Хостинг фотографий для пользователей Оринго
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Ювелірний дім Орінго
(безкоштовні дзвінки)

Looking for a fresh blood! =)


If you need a job, know english (and use it well) and appreciate what we do, we need you!

We accept your responses until 22.11.

Recently we started our international campaign, but unfortunately we dont have enough people to maintain it properly. Although currently it`s kind of experiment, with your help everything will be fine.

Hard work pays off.

To contact us write a little story about Oringo and send an email to oringo@i.ua with "You need me" mark.


Anton, CEO Oringo.

Вс, 15/11/2015 - 12:17

Hi! Could You please be more specific what does it mean "little story about Oringo"?
Вс, 15/11/2015 - 12:34

Exactly! And also what does it mean "if you need a job"? For example, I have a good command of English, use it fluently and on everyday basis, of course, I am a great fan of the shop and would be eager to maintain your international campaign! But I can't do it full time, 'cause I have a permanent job... Is it possible to participate distantly?
Вс, 15/11/2015 - 12:37

To: Ирина Ивановна.

It can be literally anything. For instance, your personal experience of making an order or what you like about Oringo or your favourite product. Thank you for a feedback!

Вс, 15/11/2015 - 12:40

To: Анна Иосифовна.

Yes, both distant and free-time aspects are allowed. Thank you!

Вс, 15/11/2015 - 13:34

Thank you very much indeed! I'll do my best to get aboard!;-)
Вс, 15/11/2015 - 17:29

I like your idea. Recently I was a foreign country and my friends were in raptures from the decorations of Oringo, which always with me ! My friends were distressed that decorations can not be purchased outside Ukraine! But now together with Oringo we will be able to make dreams come true not only the Ukrainian silver lovers but also to help to touch to the silver dream the women of the whole world!
Втр, 17/11/2015 - 09:01

Недавно вышли на международный рынок? А где же ссылка на гипотетический международный сайт? Или как моей знакомой из США сделать заказ?
Втр, 17/11/2015 - 10:28

Кирилл Иванович, "выходом на рынок" мы это пока еще не можем назвать.=) На сегодняшний день у нас есть странички на ebay и etsy, где мы принимаем заказы. Количество представленных там украшений пока что ограничено. https://www.etsy.com/ru/shop/OringoJewelry http://www.ebay.com/usr/oringo-shop
Ср, 18/11/2015 - 11:15

When will you announce the winner?;)
Ср, 18/11/2015 - 11:30

The winner will be announced on Sunday. We are still receiving letters. =)