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Каблучка "Пливи, рибо..." (+ поєднання з деякими сережками та порівняння з зодіакальними каблучками)

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Чт, 08/02/2024 - 12:57 #22

Поділилася світлинами з каблучкою зі своїми англомовними друзями. Не знайшла прийнятного перекладу вірша Жадана, тому переклала сама. Можливо, комусь теж згодиться для розповіді:

Serhiy Zhadan    Swim, my fish

Take a swim, my fish-
past isles you swish,
past grass you shoot
to follow your route.
In the river's arms
you're safe from harm.
Even in the deep,
you won't lose your grip.

When underwater star
shines from afar,
It is in your dream,
flowing like  a stream.
Like fisherman's boat
it keeps you afloat.
But there, can you see?
might be the death of me.
Life is silence and laughs,
it is just enough
to share with your near,
your loved and dear.
So, fly my fish, fly
and,please,don't be shy
Go for the lights,
Be ready for fights.

Little whispers of yours,
during stops in shores.
Your secret and trick,
And what makes you tick.
Love, my fish, love,
Even with broken heart.
Follow your way
and don't get astray.

Love is worth the trouble,
It manages pain and struggle.
Love is longing, despair,
it is never fair.
it can be cruel and mad,
it makes you loose the thread.
Love is death and more,
it's worth living for.