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Sarah Gilbert`s "Vimes' Family Coat of Arms" ring

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22 постов / 0 новых

Чт, 20/06/2019 - 20:02 #12

Hi, Sarah! You've got a very interesting idea! It's incredible but there isn't any ancestral coat of arms in Oringo. Yours is the only one and unique. I sincerely wish you good luck in the competition and wish you met a jewelry of your dream. Although I am not personally a fan of these books, many of Oringo members love and wear jewelry inspired byTerry Pratchett's Discworld. I'm sure they will all support you. heart

Пт, 21/06/2019 - 13:48 #13

Отличная идея! Удачи в конкурсе!

Пт, 21/06/2019 - 14:15 #14

Hi, Sarah! Welcome to the fantastic silver world of Oringo where everybody has an opportunity to tell about his silver dream and transform it into reality.  Good luck for Your new experience!surprise

Сб, 22/06/2019 - 18:00 #15

Oh my goodness, Sarah, it's so brave and unique sketch! I'm not sure about how jewellers could cope with the pictures on the coat of arms, maybe it should be less detailed... But the more difficulties, the more fun and interest, I believe :) Welcome to the club and good luck!

Вс, 23/06/2019 - 08:14 #16

Hi, Sarah!
Interesting sketch! 
The cow and dragon are veri cute!
Cood luck in the competition!surprise

Пнд, 24/06/2019 - 11:06 #17

Hi, Sarah! Your idea is very interesting and I am sure that all Pratchett fans would like it. I am not familiar with Sam Vimes personality, but already love Discworld and the City Watch books are in my wishlist. The ring is very special and unusual and I hope your Silver Dream will come true. Good luck!surprise

Пнд, 24/06/2019 - 11:20 #18

Hi, Sarah! Glad you took part in Oringo's contest. I like your design! Good luck! surprise

Чт, 27/06/2019 - 19:42 #19

Wow! It's really great to see a foreigner here! Oringo, my congratulations! surprise 
Dear Sarah, honestly, such kind of jewellery is not mine, but i really like the philosophy you've put into this one and i am sure a lot of Oringo members will like your idea and support it! I hope u will  have a piece of Vimes with u wherever u go and it will be not only a great mascot for u, but a nice reminder of  magic and the magicians from Ukraine heart !
Good Luck!

Сб, 29/06/2019 - 03:57 #20

So cool work 
After your description I want to read more Pratchett books)) 
Thank you for your inspiration surprise

Вс, 30/06/2019 - 15:47 #21

Wow! Good idea!